jueves, 27 de febrero de 2025



Hey blog! For this time this is my last entry before I start filming with my group. Our plan is first to film the scenes were Sammy is finishing getting ready and then she’s saying goodbye to her parents. She has a clothes changing because she realizes that her friends are going to the beach with tops and shorts and she was just wearing a hoodie and jeans. The purpose of that scene is to show the personality of Sammy and how she develops herself interacting with other people. 

The next scene we are going to film is at the beach all together with the rest of the characters where they’re enjoying the time there and the development of the film happens there. First we are going to film a long shot showing the place and followed to that the scenes where Vicky and Sofia force Sammy to start drinking. 

That is mostly the plan for the filming scenes process. We are also planning on first get to film the scenes with Sammy on Brianna’s house in one day, then, another day the scenes on the beach and just in case we don’t finish then finish another day also in the beach because we want to have everything well done and produced. 

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