Hey blog, recently I’ve been doing some research to get inspired and mostly understand with real examples what the concept of a film opening is. As I already did some research for thriller, it was easier for me to find some great examples.
1. Get Out (2017)
Jordan Peele Get Out begins with a scene in a rural neighborhood at night. A Black man is walking alone when a car ominously follows him. The tension escalates as he gets kidnapped by a masked person. This opening establishes a sense of fright and foreshadows the films exploration of themes. The scene clearly shows and transmits a sense of horror and suspense including the settings and the characters used.
Michael Haneke’s Cache opens with a prolonged shot of a rural house. At the beginning, it appears to be a simple exterior view, but as the scene goes on, it’s revealed that this media is a tape sent to the protagonists. This approach creates a feeling of guilt in the main characters. Making the protagonists question their environment surrounding them.
3. Scream (1996)
Directed by Wes Craven, Scream starts with a high school student, receiving a numerous phone calls while home alone. The person on the phone makes questions that gives a threatening sense, leading to a deadly game. This opening is a classical opening of horror and suspense of a dialogue.
These openings show how thriller movies can implement different techniques to captivate audiences from the very beginning.
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