sábado, 8 de marzo de 2025



Hey blog! I wrote my script for the first question of my CCR. Making research and critical thinking on the themes treated on our project.

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2025



Heyyy blog! We already have some scenes edited, now is the moment to finish editing the rest of the scenes and put everything together to get the final product, short film. For the park scenes that we filmed was hard to film it because the sun was very shining and it did not look good in the camera. We tried to adjust it at the moment of filming but it was hard. Followed to that inconvenient, we had to fix it in the editing process, adjusting the lights brilliance and making it look good. 

For the scenes on “Sammy getting out of the house we had to do the same process with the lights editing because there was a lot of contrast between the other scenes and the park scenes so to make it look all equal we had to edit it the same way. 

When filming these, we spent a lot of time because we repeated every scene many times. We did that so then when editing we could choose the scene we thought was the best and also to make cutscenes changing the shots and points of view.



jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025



(beach scenes)

Hi blog! After finishing filming, my group decided to divide the editing process so we all could add something to the edition process. As I mentioned on my past blog, we filmed a scene at the beach as a flashback for the plot. In the editing, we had to make it black and white  blurring the image to show the flashback intention. 
We used CapCut, Adobe and the phone editing settings in order to change the colors and lighting.

As we took many shots of the same scene, we had to decide whether make the same scene implementing different angles or just one shot from all the same angles. We had to cut some scenes where there was a lot of sound disturbance to make a clean shot. As it was at night when we were filming those beach scenes we had to put flash when filming and also in the editing process adjusting the lighting to make it look good but not exaggerated or very saturated. 

martes, 4 de marzo de 2025



Hey blog! We decided to make the beach scenes as a flashback and also decided to change the main setting to a park. The reason why is because filming everything at the beach was very hard because it got dark really fast and also there was a lot of sound disturbance. We filmed at the beach the flashback using the sunset but we are going to edit it as black and white to make it easy to understand that it’s a flashback.  The rest of the scenes we filmed them at my community park and pool; a scene where “Sammy” was going out of her house, that scene was filmed at my house.

We filmed using a camera and a tripod, and also we filmed a behind the scenes with our phones. We were wearing similar outfits as the flashback scenes but no the exact same outfits. We repeated the scenes as we needed in order to get different options when editing and choosing the best shot made.

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2025



Hey blog! Sadly we had problems to film our last scenes all together for some inconveniences out of our control so we had to postpone it for another day. So what we did was changing some things on the script as we felt it was necessary and also adjusting the exact place on the beach where we wanted to film because we thought at first on only filming by the sand but we are also going to film in the ocean to make it more engaging and entertaining. 

We are packing some food and also going to buy lunch there to show it and give the scene a feeling as if the three of the girls are very good friends and everything is great. Making it surprising on how Vicky and Sofia force and put pressure on Sammy to drink and do the things they consider cool but they don’t really are. 

We also edited a little bit of our past filmed scenes with Sammy to save time, we changed the videos from portrait to landscape so it is better and the film scenes look more professional. 



Hey blog! As we already have our first complete scene done, we are going to film the second scene where we show the beach in order to state the location where we are going to develop the film. I had to go with my group to the beach to actually film these clips with the light we want and the amount of people we wanted; some beaches are very concurrent with people and we didn’t want too many people around just a small amount of people so it looks real but not too much. 

We decided to record a short clip first on the side walk first where people were walking and biking to make it as real as possible. 

Later on, we decided to film some little stores to show the complete setting and picture of where the surroundings were. 


 RESEARCH FOR CCR QUESTION #1  Hey blog! I wrote my script for the first question of my CCR. Making research and critical thinking on the th...