Heyyy blog! We already have some scenes edited, now is the moment to finish editing the rest of the scenes and put everything together to get the final product, short film. For the park scenes that we filmed was hard to film it because the sun was very shining and it did not look good in the camera. We tried to adjust it at the moment of filming but it was hard. Followed to that inconvenient, we had to fix it in the editing process, adjusting the lights brilliance and making it look good.
For the scenes on “Sammy getting out of the house we had to do the same process with the lights editing because there was a lot of contrast between the other scenes and the park scenes so to make it look all equal we had to edit it the same way.
When filming these, we spent a lot of time because we repeated every scene many times. We did that so then when editing we could choose the scene we thought was the best and also to make cutscenes changing the shots and points of view.
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